In the nail-biting new season of Netflix’s hit series Squid Game, players’ desperate circumstances push them to make fatally risky bets on individual success even when collective action might save them.
Neil K R Sehgal, University of Pennsylvania and Ashwini Sehgal, Case Western Reserve University
The Conversation
In a new study, we found that legislators who are descendants of slaveholders are significantly wealthier than members of Congress without slaveholder ancestry.
Political preferences are often discussed through a one-size-fits-all middle-class lens. But empirical data shows that class significantly influences voting patterns, with growing class consciousness driving dissatisfaction with established parties.
Christopher P. Scheitle, Katie Corcoran
The Conversation
First, what makes an individual more or less likely to identify as an atheist? Second, what makes someone more or less likely to adopt an atheistic worldview over time?
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