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Tidbits – July 25 – Reader Comments: Passing the Torch; Calling All Students Going Off to College-Get Your Absentee Ballots; Bernice Johnson Reagon; Ending Taxes on Tips?; March To End Climate Destruction-July 27; Cartoons; More

Reader Comments: Passing the Torch; Calling All Students Going Off to College -- Get Your Absentee Ballots Now; Bernice Johnson Reagon; Ending Taxes On Tips; Record Breaking Corporate Profits - Not Inflation; March To End Climate Destruction-July 27

Illinois Has Already Had 100 Tornadoes

Adriana Pérez, Chicago Tribune, TNS Governing
On Monday, July 15, Chicago issued 16 tornado warnings, the most sent on a single day since 2004. In an average year, the state only experiences 50 tornadoes annually. But as the air becomes more humid, tornadoes will become more common.


On Thin Ice

Anne Gruner New Verse News
The poets says doomsday: climate heat is serious business, coming sooner than you think.


Workers Need New Heat Protections Immediately

Alex N. Press Jacobin
The Biden administration has proposed a desperately needed new heat standard to protect workers from scorching temperatures. Expect business groups to oppose it.

Cooling California Could Heat Up Europe

Jonathan Watts Guardian
Scientists call for regulation to stop regional use of marine cloud brightening that may cool one region in the short term but have negative impact elsewhere

What Did We Know – and When Did We Know It?

Rebecca Gordon TomDispatch
This capacity to predict the future is beginning to feel a bit déjà-vu-ish. It’s not too hard to foresee the approaching catastrophe in Gaza. In our presidential election, we are facing the potential elevation of a genuine instrument of fascism.

If Not in New York, Then Where?

David Wallace-Wells New York Times
Governor Kathy Hochul's indefinite pause of a proposed congestion pricing program for lower Manhattan is “a generational setback for climate policy in the United States."
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