Zeb Larson, William Minter
Foreign Policy in Focuss
Trump's actions signal need to understand global history of white supremacy. His executive order "human rights violations occurring in South Africa" echo a long history of support for racism in Southern Africa, for apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia
In 1960, Patrice Lumumba became the prime minister of newly independent Congo. His close ally Andrée Blouin describes how Belgium and the US conspired to oust Lumumba and impose Mobutu’s kleptocratic dictatorship on the Congolese people.
Thinking about the legacy of the humanitarian and star as his island home sits in darkness from power outages. Clemente’s solidarity with the less fortunate came from his life experience.
In this ambitious sequel to Empireland, the journalist travels far and wide to examine the legacy of British imperialism, piecing together an important rebuttal of revisionist narratives
Something unprecedented is happening in Puerto Rico which, like the U.S., will hold its general election on November 5th. For the first time ever, the island could elect a governor who favors Puerto Rico’s independence from the United States.
For her new book, “Salvage,” the Trinidadian-born writer Dionne Brand rereads classic English novels, teasing out evidence of the ravages of colonialism.
There has been an effort to negate Fanon’s ideas and sever them from the people of Palestine. But in his work, I find the beginning of a credible path towards liberation.
This January 26 was the first “Australia Day” following October's defeat of landmark constitutional referendum recognizing Australia’s first nations people by enshrining in the Constitution an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament
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