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Silencing the Voice

Amy Bachrach Portside
This January 26 was the first “Australia Day” following October's defeat of landmark constitutional referendum recognizing Australia’s first nations people by enshrining in the Constitution an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament

The Constitution and the American Left

Azia Rana Dissent
A culture of reverence for the U.S. Constitution shields the founding document from criticism, despite its many shortcomings. We need an alternative vision that provides meaningful freedom at home and embraces self-determination abroad.

The Palestinian Struggle for Labor Rights in Israel

Jaclynn Ashly Jacobin
Palestinian workers whose underpaid labor provides part of Israel’s low-cost workforce. Their stories of organizing amid ethnic cleansing shed light on how this work is a crucial lifeline for Palestinians — now severed by the devastation of war.

Explaining Israel’s ‘Intelligence Failure’ on Hamas

Nyki Duda The Progressive
Discussion about the failure to see that Hamas had the capability and intent to do what it did isn’t being linked to something that would be obvious to any historian of colonialism: these intelligence failures are inherent to any colonial project.
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