By Diana Caballero, with a foreword by David Duhalde
Socialist Majority
As we enter into Trump's second term, stories such as this and heroes like Diana Caballero remind us that change is possible under difficult circumstances; so we must not succumb to the temptation to abandon mass work and turn on each other.
Democrats should stop mocking trump’s ground game snd start learning from it. Cable ads and bussed-in volunteers don’t cut it any more. If the party wants to win, it must engage voters in a collective push for change.
The role of strategy in making social movements and organizations more effective, and who creates it, are the urgent questions four authors explore in three new books. Their answers will surprise you, as they surprised me.
Joel Wendland-Liu
Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
This new study of the Communist Party USA, says, reviewer Wendland-Liu, "is at its best in its detailed treatment of political debates and the labor histories of the formative period and the popular front period."
Bullets don't stop March Against Fear. Strikers' play fills Madison Square Garden. Court rules for lunch-counter sit-in. Cesar Chavez gets started. CIA lawbreaking whitewashed. Environmental racism costs Shell Oil. Paul Robeson defies witch-hunters.
Michael Elsen-Rooney , Reema Amin and Alex Zimmerman
An activist, community organizer, school leader, novelist, and academic, Fruchter was on the front lines of some of the most pivotal social and educational battles of the past half century in the five boroughs and his native New Jersey.
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