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The MAGA Honeymoon Is Over

Ali Breland The Atlantic
Silicon Valley and the nativist right worked together to elect Trump. Now the infighting has begun.

National (In)Security and the Pentagon Budget

Mandy Smithberger TomDispatch
A Post-Coronavirus economy can no longer afford to put the Pentagon first. As it turns out, creating jobs through Pentagon spending is among the least effective ways to rebuild the economy.

Keystone Pipeline - "Conflicts of Interest Make This a Sham"

Rep. Raul M. Grijalva Three Takes
The fact that the Canadian government and the oil industry were reportedly briefed on today’s news before Congress was given the courtesy of a heads-up speaks volumes. It encourages the already widely held impression that the fix was in from the beginning. If the administration expects to avoid the lasting stink of having ignored every red flag in the book, it needs to explain itself.
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