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Tidbits – June 13 – Reader Comments: Billionaires Captured Trump; Criminalization of Solidarity; Slippery Slope to World War III?; Pride Month Event – Telling the Stories of Lincoln Brigade LGBTQ Volunteers; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Billionaires Captured Trump; Criminalization of Solidarity; Slippery Slope to World War III?; One Nation Not Rolling Out Red Carpet for the Rich; Pride Month Event - Telling the stories of Lincoln Brigade LGBTQ Volunteers; more...

The Criminalization of Solidarity: The Stop Cop City Prosecutions

Tadhg Larabee and Eva Rosenfeld Dissent Magazine
Georgia’s sweeping, political application of conspiracy law echoes tactics that shattered the left a hundred years ago, when the government targeted socialist parties and militant unions with laws against criminal syndicalism, espionage, and sedition

The War on Protest

Adam Federman Type Investigations
Since 2017, 21 states have passed 41 laws enhancing penalties and fines for common protest-related crimes—part of a wave of nearly 300 anti-protest bills introduced nationwide.


Repression of Atlanta Protesters a Threat to Workers

Carl Rosen, Andrew Dinkelaker, Mark Meinster United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of Americam(UE)
In a democracy, decisions about the use of publicly-owned land and public funds should be driven by robust public debate, including the right of members of the public to peacefully protest.
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