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Severance Is an Indictment of Workplace Hell

Eileen Jones Jacobin
Apple’s dystopian workplace thriller Severance entered its second season as a genuine cultural phenomenon. With its brutal satire of the American corporate structure, it’s easy to see why.

Brownsville, Texas: The Last Stand Against Corporate Rule

Alfonso Saldana Move to Amend
Brownsville is more than a town on the border—it’s a symbol of what happens when corporate power goes unchecked. Musk’s attempt to privatize a community is not just a local issue; it’s a warning sign for all of us.

Friday Nite Videos | January 10, 2025

Colonialism Is Back, Baby! Rastaman Chant/ Amazing Grace | Playing For Change. An Unprecedented Corporate Assault Is Coming. Q1 Update from Our Leadership Team. What Identical Twins Separated at Birth Teach Us About Genetics.

A Global Minimum Wage Would Reduce Poverty and Corporate Power

Lawrence S. Wittner Foreign Policy in Focus
The rich are growing astronomically richer while poverty reduction has ground to a standstill. In today’s world of widespread poverty and unprecedented wealth, how about raising the wages of the most poorly-paid workers?


"Big Food” Tries To Look Good

Alicia Kennedy The Bittman Project
If the top-heavy, ultra-consolidated food industry decides to offer us a few organic options, is that really a good thing? Most people do their food shopping solely at supermarkets or grocery stores where they find only those options that big food corporations allow them. Today the top five food retail companies account for about half of the market.

Biden’s Last-Minute Gift to Corporate Lawbreakers

Helen Santoro, Freddy Brewster Freddy Brewster The Lever
A new Justice Department policy update says that even repeat corporate offenders can avoid prosecution if they “make good faith efforts” to come clean.
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