The quid pro quo deal between the president and the mayor of New York City will throw open the foreign corruption floodgates. As the Trump administration moves to drop the case and gut any remaining independence out of the DOJ, damn the consequences
Reader Comments: It Is a Coup; Trump Vowed To Champion US Workers – the Reality a Relentless Assault; Make America Corrupt Again; Vance, Racism, German Fascism; For Israelis, ‘From the River to the Sea’ Is a Reality. For Palestinians, It’s a Crime...
While Adams may have been the most immediate beneficiary, he’s not the only one. If you’re a foreign government or a corrupt company trying to turn a public official into your toady, this sends a powerful signal—everything and everyone is up for sale
Top Dems Pull Away From Biden. I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane (Parody). The Billionaire Family Suffocating Rural America. Clarence Thomas Tries To Protect Himself. “I’m Bored, So I Shoot”: Israeli Troops Authorized to Shoot at Will.
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