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Tidbits - March 16, 2017 - Reader Comments: Blocking Deportation; Angela Davis on Trump; Trump and Russia - More Readers Responses; Strategic Thinking; Democratic Party; Resources; Announcements; and more...

Reader Comments: Blocking Deportation; Sanctuary Cities Historical Roots; Long History of Deportation; Angela Davis on Trump - Trying to Make America White Again; Trump and Russia - More Readers Responses; Strategic Thinking and Organizing Resistance; Democratic Party; Resources; Announcements; and more...

Dreams Deported: Immigrant Youth and Families Resist Deportation

Nancy Guarneros UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education
UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education has just published the third book in a series Dreams Deported edited by Kent Wong and Nancy Guarneros. Utilizing the Center's politically powerful approach that ensures that people speak and act collectively for themselves seeking justice, Dreams Deported is a significant contribution to the movement for immigrant and worker rights here in USA and internationally. Buy this book -- and use it!

Friday Nite Videos -- Songs of Immigration -- July 12, 2013

Who defines the Dream, as the Dreamers movement implicitly asserts, matters a great deal. In fact, it defines the nation. Here are 10 songs of immigration and identity: Crash at Los Gatos (Deportee). Ice El Hielo. Jamaica Farewell. Across the Borderline. Follow the Drinking Gourd. No Irish Need Apply. Rumania, Rumania. America (West Side Story). Where Is the Love? Ballad for Americans.


Striking Dubai Workers Face Mass Deportation

Chris Arsenault ALJAZEERA
Backed by security forces, bosses at Arabtec - a massive construction firm with interests across the oil-rich Gulf states - ended a strike on Monday, but the fallout continues as more workers are receiving deportation orders. The strike ended after management refused to accept demands for increased wages from people earning about $200 a month to complete mega-projects in 40 degree Celsius heat.

Deportation in 90 Minutes or Less

Nancy Fleck Myers and Susan Nelson In These Times
This proceeding is Operation Streamline, an eight-year-old, little-known provision of immigration policy that was intended—along with the new fence that currently stretches 650 miles long and as high as 20 feet—to discourage illegal entry to the United States along the Mexican border. The provision is meant to “streamline” cases so that more undocumented immigrants can be efficiently processed in court. The harsh punishments are meant to deter subsequent re-entry attempt
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