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Stumbling into War?

Michael Klare Tom Dispatch
Could the U.S. and China Face an Unintended Blowup in the Western Pacific in the Biden Years?

Why Trump Wants Sudan to Befriend Israel - Two Articles

Alex de Waal (BBC), Jason Burke and Oliver Holmes (The Guardian) BBC and The Guardian
With Sudan in desperate straits - a collapsing economy, hyperinflation looming and a nationwide food crisis - the administration of US President Donald Trump and the Israeli government have seen an opportunity. Palestinians call it a new stab in back

How Will the US Counter China?

Michael T Klare Le Monde diplomatique
Would a Joe Biden administration relieve pressure on China, with less antagonism? Though the rhetoric may be softened, the main thrust of US policy, to prevent Beijing from ever achieving international parity with Washington, is unlikely to change

A New Year and a New Trump Foreign Policy Blunder in Iraq

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies Independent Media Institute
We hope 2020 is when the American public finally looks at the fateful choice between war and peace with 20/20 vision, and we will start severely punishing Trump and every other U.S. politician who opts for threats over diplomacy, war over peace.
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