It is the purpose of this article to relate how this creeping stagnation has added its own force in contributing to the monopoly power associated with consolidation and to current wealth disparities.
The rich are growing astronomically richer while poverty reduction has ground to a standstill. In today’s world of widespread poverty and unprecedented wealth, how about raising the wages of the most poorly-paid workers?
Washington state beat back efforts to repeal both a capital gains tax and a payroll tax that funds long-term care insurance. Illinois voters showed support for a tax hike on millionaires. Three red states passed paid leave.
Reader Comments: Netanyahu’s Bellicose Congressional Address; VP Pick Who Could Ruin Unity; Sonya Massey Should Still Be Alive; Argument for Unarmed Response; Top 1% Have More Wealth Than Entire Middle Class; Week of Action for Utility Justice; more
Top Dems Pull Away From Biden. I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane (Parody). The Billionaire Family Suffocating Rural America. Clarence Thomas Tries To Protect Himself. “I’m Bored, So I Shoot”: Israeli Troops Authorized to Shoot at Will.
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