During the attack, the more bombs Israel detonated, the more stories I told, and the more I read. Telling stories was my way of resisting. It was all I could do.
Seventy years after Brown v. Board, Black and white residents, in Camden, Alabama, say they would like to see their children schooled together. But after so long apart, they aren’t sure how to make it happen.
My most important training came outside the classroom, as a student activist. As I look at the surge of student organizing aimed at stopping the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, participation in such movements can have a long-term impact...
You know who has good reason to fear for their safety? People, many of them Jews, getting pummeled by cops and fascists. People getting high-powered rifles aimed at them from rooftops by agents of the state told to be ready to shoot....
Melissa Blount and Matt Reed; Illustrator: Joe Brusky
Rethinking Schools
The seeds of our strike were sown 10 years ago. In the 2013–2014 school year, school district leaders demanded more than 75 concessions, including bigger class sizes, fewer workload protections, and cuts to healthcare benefits.
Child care is both hard to find and increasingly expensive for families. The average price of licensed child care for a U.S. family is nearly $11,000 per year, which is 33 percent of the median household income for single-parent families.
Reader Comments: State of the Union and Ceasefire; Oppenheimer and Nuclear Danger Today; Haiti; Take Action - Reject AIPAC; Webinar: Israel After October 7; Standing Together NYC Fundraiser; Book Talk -- The Right to Learn; Cartoons; more.....
Social media posts about Oct. 7 got him fired, arrested, and thrown in jail. Now, Meir Baruchin faces a fight to return to a school that wants him gone.
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