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On War, Assange, Refugees and Climate, Lula Is Outraged

Paolo Vittoria Il Manifesto Global
We must build a utopia that can defeat the utopia of the right, which says the state is worth nothing, the state must be weak and private initiative solves everything. We have to make sure that the movement of people is as free as economic movement.

Tidbits – July 13, 2023 – Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return To Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums That Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; Announcements; Cartoons

Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return to Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums that Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education Archive; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more....

The Long War on Black Studies

Robin D. G. Kelley New York Review
It would be a mistake to think of the current wave of attacks on “critical race theory” as a culture war. This is a political battle.

Firearms Classes Taught Me, and America, a Very Dangerous Lesson

Harel Shapira New York Times
The classes I attended trained students to believe that their lives are in constant danger. They prepared us to shoot without hesitation and avoid legal consequences. They instilled the kind of fear that has a corrosive effect on all interactions — and beyond that, on the fabric of our democracy.


Florida Teachers Besieged by Draconian Laws

Steven Greenhouse The Guardian
Teachers say they’re feeling more disrespected, unappreciated and under attack than ever before by new laws championed by Governor Ron DeSantis
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