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The European Left Faces a Historic Challenge

Stefan Bekier Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières
Introduction to the Ensemble! (FR) meeting on the consequences of the Trump presidency for Europe. Europe must deepen and broaden its integration or become dependent on the neo-fascist international forming around the Trump-Putin axis.

Tidbits – Jan.30- Reader Comments: Reader Comments: Stop the Deportations, Stop the Layoffs, Stop the Administrative Coup!; 10 Things You Can Do To Resist; Longtime Dem Voters Fed Up With Party’s Inaction; 16 Million Workers Were Unionized in 2024

Reader Comments: Stop the Deportations, Stop the Layoffs, Stop the Administrative Coup!; Here Are 10 Things You Can Do To Resist; Longtime ‘Loyal’ Dem Voters Fed Up With Party’s Inaction; "Innocent Gesture"; 16 Million Workers Were Unionized in 2024;

The EU Is in Bad Shape, and Left-Wing Forces Are in Crisis

Roberto Musacchio Transform! Europe
We are on the brink of a precipice, which the World risks falling into. We need a radical, left-wing exit route. Italy should contribute in the European elections with an electoral list concentrated on the theme that marks the dividing line: Peace.

Tumultuous Times for the Left in Europe

Nick Wright Morning Star
With the left coalition NUPES rapidly disintegrating in France and the formation of a new party led by Sahra Wagenknecht in Germany, it’s been a dramatic recent period for Europe’s progressive forces.

Global Left Midweek - November 3, 2021

From Berlin housing referendum fight, three essential building blocks for success—targeting the broad middle of society, a plan to win, and precise political work—show the way forward
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