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F*** a Wage, Take Over the Business: A How-To with Economist Richard Wolff

Andrew Smolski / Richard D. Wolff Counterpunch
This interview discusses wages, the struggle for $15/hr, stagnating worker incomes, and TPP’s attack on wages in the US and develops into a much broader critique of the current system’s political economy, a way to fundamentally alter the way we produce, distribute, and consume. It is not enough to bargain with capitalists. We must instead look to how workers can take over the means of production and employ them for the benefit and wellbeing of all.

Rewinding the Battle of Algiers in the Shadow of the Attack on Charlie Hebdo

Tithi Bhattacharya & Bill V. Mullen Critical Legal Thinking
In the wake of the brutal assault upon ... Charlie Hebdo we should be reflecting, not as ... world leaders advise us to, on the attack on free speech, but on .. which spaces and kinds of resistance have been foreclosed to a generation of young working class men and women facing a post 9/11 world of poverty, unemployment and repeated attacks of the West upon predominantly Muslim countries; and ... how the attack ... is being used to serve .. existing imperial narrative.


Dark Money, Dirty War: The Corporate Crusade Against Low-Wage Workers

Mariya Strauss Political Research Associates
Corporate interests have taken credit for reducing private-sector unions to a fraction of their former strength, and for eroding public-sector collective bargaining, especially since the 2010 “Tea Party midterms.” A resurgence in low-wage worker organizing, sparked by growing inequality in the United States, promises to help defend the rights—and paychecks—of vulnerable workers. But corporations and their paid shills aim to snuff out the movement before it catches fire.

Which Brands Accept Blood on Their Labels?

Nichols/Greider The Nation
It's difficult for exploited workers to organize and build popular support. Companies can pack up and move to the next low-wage country where people and governments are desperate for jobs and income, however pitiful. This cycle of exploitation is destined to continue until the world runs out of poor countries to exploit, or until citizens in rich countries, like the U.S. get over their ignorant indifference and face up to their complicity for evil done in their name.
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