Donald Trump is signaling that he will attempt a coup before even taking office. It's going to take all of our strategizing and mobilizing to defeat it ... again. Portside will be there every day, and we’re asking you to help. Here’s how.
In fact, much (though admittedly, not all) of what we’re witnessing today might simply be considered an escalation of the dire turn that this country took after the attacks of September 11, 2001, nearly a quarter of a century ago.
Being “the right kind” of progressive or feminist or socialist can easily become its own goal, rather than winning concrete victories that match the values and goals behind these labels. Unfortunately this has been a common response in recent decades
Donald Trump is signaling that he will attempt a coup before even taking office. It's going to take all of our strategizing and mobilizing to defeat it ... again. Portside will be there every day, and we’re asking you to help. Here’s how.
Behind the confusion and debates about fascism lies a simple truth: it’s a power game driven by economic elites. Communists recognized that fascism’s form is shaped by class dynamics — an insight we shouldn’t forget.
Off-the-record, some liberals support Trump on a case-by-case basis. In normal times, finding overlapping interests with your political adversaries makes sense. But let’s be clear: Trump will not be playing by the rules of normal politics.
How can we prevent a wannabe dictator from consolidating absolute power? Please help us to inform, analyze and mobilize in the year ahead. Here's how. You can help Portside...
How can we prevent a wannabe dictator from consolidating absolute power? Please help us to inform, analyze and mobilize in the year ahead. Here's how. You can help Portside...
Judge Dredd, Tony Soprano, The Supes. They're all meant to be villains in cautionary tales against the danger of violent, fascistic, cultist leaders. But some Trump followers, including Elon Musk, think they're meant to be heroes to be emulated.
How can we prevent a wannabe dictator from consolidating absolute power? Please help us to inform, analyze and mobilize in the year ahead. Here's how you can help Portside...
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