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What Trump Doesn’t Want You To Know About Project 2025

Judd Legum Popular Information
Project 2025 is a radical blueprint for a potential second Trump administration, spearheaded by the right-wing Heritage Foundation. Top members of Trump's 2024 campaign are involved in Project 2025 and training and recruitment of political appointees


The Art of the Green New Deal

Benjamin Y. Fong Jacobin
Jobs to Move America is pioneering an innovative labor strategy that turns public investments in green infrastructure and manufacturing into opportunities for union organizing and better working conditions.

The Scary Third Meaning of Freedom

Felicia Wong, Michael Tomasky, Jefferson Cowie The New Republic
Pulitzer Prize–winning historian Jefferson Cowie on the deep, twisted roots of American oppression

A Good Life Rule for Leftists: Never Talk to the FBI

Michael Myerson Jacobin
Being a leftist — or worse, a child of leftists — in the mid-20th century meant constant harassment from the FBI. From my childhood in the 1940s and ’50s through the upheavals of the ’60s, I only told them one thing: take a hike.
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