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Forced Prison Labor in the “Land of the Free”

Nina Mast Economic Policy Institute
These exploitative dynamics are rooted in slavery and are particularly extreme in the South, which incarcerates people—primarily Black men—at the highest rates in the world.

End Legal Slavery in the United States

Andrew Ross, Tommaso Bardelli and Aiyuba Thomas New York Times
Some historians have described the South's convict leasing system as “worse than slavery,” because there was no incentive to avoid working those people to death.

The 13th Amendment’s Fatal Flaw Created Modern-Day Convict Slavery

Kwasi Konadu, Clifford C. Campbell The Conversation
Given the political realities and economic imperatives at play, free prison labor will persist in America for the foreseeable future, leaving in serious doubt the idea of American freedom – and abundant evidence of modern-day convict slavery.


The Use of Forced Labor in Private Immigration Detention Centers

Leora Smith on labor
In their claim against GEO, plaintiffs argue that the company violated the TVPA through it’s “Housing Unit Sanitation” policy which dictated that six detainees be randomly selected in each “pod” every day and forced to complete maintenance tasks without pay, under threat of solitary confinement.
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