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Not So Fast on Ukraine

Robert Kuttner The American Prospect
Trump’s pitiful pivot to Putin has awakened two sleeping giants—Republican opposition and European unity.

Friday Nite Videos | November 8, 2024

Post-Election Call to Action | Maurice Mitchell. How Trump’s Second Term Will Be Different. Humanitarian Leader Urges U.S. To Stop Arming Israel Before Trump Takes Office. Trump's Three Biggest Donors. Lee Greenwood | John Oliver.

The Du Bois Doctrine

Zachariah Mampilly Foreign Affairs
Du Bois is rightly venerated for his work on civil rights. But by discarding him, the American foreign policy establishment robbed itself of one of the twentieth century’s most perceptive and prescient critics of capitalism and imperialism.

Tidbits – June 6 – Reader Comments: Trump No Longer Invincible; Mexico: ¡Viva La Presidenta!; the Sympathizer on Hollywood’s Vietnam War Stories; Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing June 10; Webinar: Organizing, Collective Action, the NLRB; More…

Reader Comments: Trump No Longer Invincible; Mexico: ¡Viva La Presidenta!; The Sympathizer on Hollywood’s Vietnam War Stories; Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing June 10; Feminist Foreign Policy for Peace; Webinar: Organizing, Collective Action, the NLRB

The New Anti-Antisemitism

Rick Perlstein The American Prospect
You know who has good reason to fear for their safety? People, many of them Jews, getting pummeled by cops and fascists. People getting high-powered rifles aimed at them from rooftops by agents of the state told to be ready to shoot....

The Marginal Realists of Standing Together

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
An all-too-rare organization of Israeli Palestinians and Jews works for an unfantastical solution to the enduring conflict. What sets Standing Together apart is the realism that informs their strategy, politically marginal as that realism now may be.

Ukraine, Israel and the Two Joe Bidens

Matthew Duss The New Republic
In Ukraine, Biden has spent two years articulating a stirring argument for a rules-based order. In Israel, he set about burning that argument to the ground. Is a morally consistent foreign policy possible?
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