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The Selective Silencing of Campus Speech

Kevin Young AmherstINDY
The problem with the “all-sides-are-being-silenced” argument is that administrators have responded differently based on whether the targeted individuals support or oppose US-Israeli policy.

I Stand With CASA

Nine Maryland Senators from the Montgomery County County Council have been threatening to cut funding to CASA because of a pro-Palestinian tweet (since withdrawn). Below is a statement from Maryland ACLU and two open letters suporting CASA.

This Week in People’s History, June 20 . . .

President Reagan giving a speech about smuggling arms to the Contras CIA impunity in 1988. U.S. imperialism's baby steps in 1898. Free speech for Nazis in 1978. U.S. responsibility for Vietnam War in 1971. Smallpox-infected presents in 1763. Voting wrongs, not rights, in 2013. Haymarket prisoners pardoned in 1893.
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