“Forgive us if we don’t give a shit if everybody there dies. It’s just the way we feel. It’s just the way Israelis feel," said Two Nice Jewish Boys co-host Eytan Weinstein.
Debates over how to describe conflicts in Gaza, Myanmar and elsewhere are channeling a controversy as old as the word itself. The Genocide Convention emerged as an immediate response to World War II-today its being renegotiated to bring it up to date
What Israel could have achieved earlier with a hostage/cease-fire agreement has become impossible due to new conditions that Netanyahu introduced into the proposed deal. The paths chosen by Israel's leadership are leading down a slippery slope.
Past solidarity movements teach us that organization is just as important as mobilization. For Palestine solidarity activists it could be useful to look more deeply at the history of international solidarity, particularly in the last three decades.
Benjamin Netanyahu’s reckless assassination of Ismail Haniyeh undermines the prospects for a peace deal and the release of the hostages. They assassinated the man who had the power to make a deal with Israel...
Reader Comments: Netanyahu’s Bellicose Congressional Address; VP Pick Who Could Ruin Unity; Sonya Massey Should Still Be Alive; Argument for Unarmed Response; Top 1% Have More Wealth Than Entire Middle Class; Week of Action for Utility Justice; more
“Netanyahu is a war criminal committing genocide against the Palestinian people,” Tlaib said in a statement. “It is utterly disgraceful that leaders from both parties have invited him to address Congress."
'Our enemies are your enemies,' the prime minister insisted, setting up confrontation with Iran. He didn’t present as someone on the verge of signing a ceasefire deal to end the war and free the Israeli and American hostages.
The Israeli army uses the veneer of internal accountability to fend off external criticism. But its record reveals how few perpetrators are punished. Every day, more and more horrifying evidence emerges, revealing what many Israelis seek to repress.
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