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Banned by Germany

Yanis Varoufakis Project Syndicate
Germany prohibited a Palestinian Congress from taking place, arrested its Jewish supporters, and barred one of its organizers, former Greek finance minister, from entering the country: Powerful evidence Germany's pro-Israel Consensus is breaking down

Angela Davis: Standing With Palestinians

Angela Y. Davis Hammer & Hope
Reflecting on the past 60 years. "This is the first time in my own political memory that the Palestine solidarity movement is experiencing such broad support both throughout the U.S. and all over the world."

Tidbits – Mar.14, 2024 – Reader Comments: State of the Union and Ceasefire; Oppenheimer and Nuclear Danger Today; Haiti; Take Action – Reject AIPAC; Webinar: Israel After October 7; Standing Together NYC Fundraiser; Book Talk–The Right To Learn; More

Reader Comments: State of the Union and Ceasefire; Oppenheimer and Nuclear Danger Today; Haiti; Take Action - Reject AIPAC; Webinar: Israel After October 7; Standing Together NYC Fundraiser; Book Talk -- The Right to Learn; Cartoons; more.....
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