Sewa demonstrates how crucial it is that all co-op members – whether professionals or grassroots workers – share the values that the federation represents, and think not just of personal benefits but benefits for the collective and all its members.
Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva took on gig work platforms. “We’re not against someone working [by] delivering food on a bike,” said Lula during a union event. “We’re against them not having rights."
Forced to continue working in hazardous conditions, New York City workers had to help themselves and each other during a sudden dangerous decline in air quality last week.
Teamster-affiliated Uber drivers in Seattle have won raises & benefits through city legislation. Now the union & employers are backing a bill that would take some benefits statewide—but would preempt Seattle from regulating the companies.
Starting Monday, New York City’s app-based food delivery workers are entitled to increased clarity on their daily earnings and tips, and the right to use most restaurant bathrooms, as new laws begin their rollout.
They created a Bill of Rights that outlines what minimum rights our governments must guarantee to ensure fairness and non-discriminatory treatment for gig workers
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