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The Art of the Green New Deal

Benjamin Y. Fong Jacobin
Jobs to Move America is pioneering an innovative labor strategy that turns public investments in green infrastructure and manufacturing into opportunities for union organizing and better working conditions.

The Green New Deal: From Below or From Above?

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
The question, “should Green New Deal policies by implemented from above or from below” is rather like the question, “Should I wash my hands or my feet?” The obvious answer is, “both!”

Big Oil Knew About Climate Change Far Earlier Than We Thought

Rebecca John DeSmog
Documents shed light on the earliest-known instance of climate science funded by the fossil fuel industry, adding to growing understanding of Big Oil’s knowledge of climate change. Fossil fuel industry sponsored climate science in 1954.

Slow Change Can Be Radical Change

Rebecca Solnit Literary Hub
Describing the slowness of change is often confused with acceptance of the status quo. It’s really the opposite.

Can We Learn From Cuba’s Sustainable Revolution?

Elias Ferrer Breda Forbes
Being forced to live with scarce quantities of fossil fuels, it has pioneered different forms of energy saving and alternative energy production. In the last two decades, Cuba has made important achievements in building a more sustainable society

The World Is Burning. Here’s How We Stop It.

Bernie Sanders FOX News
We can still avoid the worst impacts of climate change, save money, and make energy grid more resilient. "Obviously, climate change is not real. I’ve heard, you’ve heard, "expert" after "expert" telling us for years how climate change is a "fraud."

The Green New Deal in the Cities – Part 1: Boston

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
Part 1 of “The Green New Deal in the Cities” provides an extended account of the Boston Green New Deal, perhaps the most comprehensive effort so far to apply Green New Deal principles in a major city.

Fighting Fire and Fascism in the American West

Patrick Bigger and Sara Nelson Dissent Magazine
Ecological crisis, rural deindustrialization, and real estate speculation have created conditions in which the far right thrives. Combatting the rising right and surging wildfires will take a progressive green industrial policy,
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