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Sunday Science: Lucy’s World

Ann Gibbons Science
Fifty years after her discovery, the 3.2-million-year-old fossil still reigns as mother of us all. But she now has rivals

Sunday Science: Forging Connections

Andrew Curry Science
DNA from enslaved Black workers at a 19th century iron forge links them to living descendants. But the research swirls with ethical questions

Friday Nite Videos | January 20, 2023

Life And Death 3,000,000 Years Ago. Crosby, Stills, Nash (& Young) | Woodstock (We Are Stardust). The Other Big Lie. Why Saving Kids Is Bad Business in America. ARGENTINA, 1985 | Movie.

Life And Death 3,000,000 Years Ago

What was life and death like for some of our earliest ancestors, like famed australopith  Lucy, who lived almost three million years ago?

A Million Years Before 'Lucy,' There Was 'Ardi'

More than a million years older than "Lucy," some nearly complete skeletons of Ardipithecus ramidus and thousands of associated fossils provide the most detailed snapshot of our earliest upright ancestors.

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