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H Patricia Hynes Portside
“Hope…is not the same as joy that things are going well…or…headed for early success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good...”


Elder Care Homes Rake in Profits as Workers Earn a Pittance

Jennifer Gollan Associated Press
Residential senior care homes profit handsomely by paying their workers poverty wages. The profit margins can be huge and, for violators of labor laws, hinge on the widespread exploitation of thousands of caretakers, many of them poor

Court Rejects Military Contractor's Attempt to Avoid Trial for Human Trafficking

Steven Watt ACLU Blog of Rights
As the ACLU has documented in Victims of Complacency, while the fate of the men may be unique, the scheme of which they were a part was sadly all too common at the time. Since 2003, similar labor trafficking schemes resulted in thousands of foreign workers (known as Third Country Nationals or "TCNs") being hired to work on U.S. government contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
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