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The Du Bois Doctrine

Zachariah Mampilly Foreign Affairs
Du Bois is rightly venerated for his work on civil rights. But by discarding him, the American foreign policy establishment robbed itself of one of the twentieth century’s most perceptive and prescient critics of capitalism and imperialism.

War in Sudan: One Year on…

Fathi El-Fadl Liberation
The outcome of this catastrophic war, even if touted as a “victory” by either side, will only be the exacerbation in the suffering of our people, and a hastening towards our country becoming a failed state.

Freedom of Speech Ends Where True Power Begins

Jorge Majfud Common Dreams
"I will be as harsh as truth, and as uncompromising as justice," William Lloyd Garrison once said. "On this subject, I do not wish to think, or to speak, or write, with moderation."

The Palestinian Struggle for Labor Rights in Israel

Jaclynn Ashly Jacobin
Palestinian workers whose underpaid labor provides part of Israel’s low-cost workforce. Their stories of organizing amid ethnic cleansing shed light on how this work is a crucial lifeline for Palestinians — now severed by the devastation of war.

On the Centenary of Lenin’s Death

Ruth Wilson Gilmore Verso
What do Lenin's writings show us about theory breaking into practice, and how might the politics explained or implied in these writings inform our grasp of what is to be done now? How are his concepts of imperialism and self-determination relevant? 
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