Amer Abu Halil, a West Bank resident who was active in Hamas and was jailed without trial, recalls the wartime routine he endured in Israel's Ketziot Prison.
Jewish activists who support the cause of the Palestinians will take particular interest in her growth from a girl who grew up in a traditional Jewish family, active in the young Zionist movement, to a fierce fighter for peace in the Middle East....
Schumer was giving voice to what most Democratic officeholders believed but were afraid to say, and he clearly had the blessing of President Biden to go ahead and make that speech. It also showed the divide between Israeli Jews and diaspora Jews.
Discussion about the failure to see that Hamas had the capability and intent to do what it did isn’t being linked to something that would be obvious to any historian of colonialism: these intelligence failures are inherent to any colonial project.
This "brilliant act of novel-making," writes reviewer Orringer, "builds a wholly believable and infinitely faceted reality around" the experiences of two fathers that each lost a child to war, and the friendship that developed between them.
The occupation has been the vehicle to colonise, brutalise, arbitrarily arrest, detain and carry out summary executions against Palestinians. You can stand in solidarity with the Palestinians and still condemn the atrocities that Hamas committed.
We have seen immoral and dysfunctional violence and expansionism. There are many Israelis and Palestinians engaged in promoting an equitable settlement of the conflict, but they have been hindered by established parties in various governments and ext
We know if we do nothing, the situation gets worse. If we step into our power, we could potentially build a better future. People around the world are contesting with large-scale mobilizations — amounting to a people’s shock action.
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