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Cause at Heart: Socialists & the Abolition of Antisemitism

Alan Wald Against the Current
In his omnibus review of these five books, reviewer Wald shows how these authors offer valuable insights into "how and why the abolition of both antisemitism and Zionism are presently intertwined."

Palestinian Resistance Will Not Be Snuffed Out by Israel

Mohammed R. Mhawish Jacobin
The Israeli incursion into Jenin showed the violence of occupation and blatant disregard for Palestinian rights. At least 133 Palestinians have been killed by Israel since the start of this year alone.

Palestinian Resistance Will Not Be Snuffed Out by Israel

Mohammed R. Mhawish Jacobin
This week’s Israeli incursion into Jenin showed the violence of occupation and blatant disregard for Palestinian rights. At least 133 Palestinians have been killed by Israel since the start of this year alone.

Congress Members Urge Probe Into Use of US Weapons by Israel

Al Jazeera Staff Al Jazeera
A group of progressive Democrats in the United States Congress has called on President Joe Biden to “shift” American policy on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, saying that US aid should not be used to fund abuses of Palestinian rights.
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