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In Britain, the Left Is Standing With Jeremy Corbyn

Interview with Jeremy Corbyn by Owen Dowling Jacobin
In Thursday’s general election, Jeremy Corbyn is defending his seat from a private health care boss backed by Keir Starmer. The campaign is a fight over the Left’s most basic values — and has stirred an extraordinary activist turnout for Corbyn.

Friday Nite Videos | May 31, 2024

What It's Really Like To Work at Apple. Following Harry the Film. Jeremy Corbyn: Why I'm Standing Against Labour After 40 Years. The Fake News Divide: How Modi’s Rule Is Fracturing India. Cancer-busting Vaccines Are Coming.


How Jeremy Corbyn Was Toppled by the Israel Lobby

Michael Steven Smith Mondoweiss
Asa Winstanley's new book shows how the Israel lobby weaponized antisemitism to create a new McCarthyism to bring down Jeremy Corbyn and those building a genuine socialist Labour Party.
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