Reflecting on the past 60 years. "This is the first time in my own political memory that the Palestine solidarity movement is experiencing such broad support both throughout the U.S. and all over the world."
My research shows this tradition runs deep. The American Jewish establishment did not always view anti-Zionism as inherently antisemitic. Some Jewish community leaders considered themselves “non-Zionist” until years after Israel’s founding.
"I'm not a progressive. I'm just a regular Democrat." Fetterman is in the first year of a six-year term. He has time to repair relations with progressives or sever ties altogether. At this point, the latter is rapidly happening anyway.
Anti-war Jewish Americans are urging U.S. leaders to call for a ceasefire. A progressive wing of American Judaism has gained prominence, one defined by mass mobilization against the Israeli government's unrelenting bombing in Gaza.
Some continue to minimize massacres of Israeli civilians - this only fuels militant Zionism. What could lessen its power, drain it of some of that fuel? True solidarity. Humanism that unites people across ethnic and religious lines.
The Jewish community is now with a profound moral challenge. Even as we mourns our dead in Israel, we must acknowledge and protest the genocide Israel is currently perpetrating in their memory in no uncertain terms.
"The Bund was a phenomenal uprising of people doing the right thing at a critical time when it was needed most...Think of The Bund as a coalition, a movement, people power at its best."
Reader Comments: Correction; Trump Use of Scottsboro Case; Conservative Plan To Dismantle Govt; UAW Message to Ford and Big 3; 88% people under 30 view unions favorably; Solidarity Rally with UAW; JOIN THE MARCH TO END FOSSIL FUELS -- September 17
In the 1940s, a series of books tried to use the conventions of detective fiction to expose the degree of prejudice in postwar America. Their books — along with Sinatra’s song and film; Richard Wright’s memoir, coincided with a surge of activism.
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