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What Is Salting?

Kim Kelly Teen Vogue
A new generation of union activists is embracing all sorts of organizing strategies, including one of the oldest tactics in the pro-union handbook: salting.


The California Job-Killer That Wasn’t

Rogé Karma The Atlantic
The state raised the minimum wage for fast-food workers—and employment kept rising. So why has the law been proclaimed a failure?


One of the Biggest Losers of Manufacturing

Jake Johnson Common Dreams
"As president, he cut taxes for corporations, encouraged outsourcing, and lost nearly 200,000 manufacturing jobs, including auto jobs," said Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

Tidbits – Aug. 29 – Reader Comments: Harris-Walz Campaign, Democratic National Convention and Gaza, Palestinian Voters, Uncommitted Voters, Youth Voters; Public Rail Now Campaign; New Resources To Teach About Central America; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Uncommitted Movement a Success at DNC; Harris’ $5 Trillion Tax Plan; Labor, Harris and Trump; Change Biden’s Policy on Israel by Upholding the Law; Union Songs for Kids!; Support the Musicians of live television shows; Cartoons; more


(Mostly) Useful Government Numbers About Poverty, Jobs, and Unemployment

Frank Stricker Dollars & Sense
The population of job-seekers is greater than the BLS’s unemployed population. It is closer to National Jobs for All Network’s (NJFAN) Full Count, which adds part-timers who want full-time work and people who want jobs but have not searched recently.

Tariffs Don’t Protect Jobs. Don’t Be Fooled.

Richard D. Wolff Independent Media Institute - Economy For All
Both Trump and Biden imposed high tariffs on imported products made in China and other countries. Those impositions broke with and departed from the previous half century’s policies favoring “free trade.”
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