A newly released classified document shows that the National Security Agency knew Ethel Rosenberg was not a spy—and that the government executed her anyway.
Reader Comments: MAGA Divide - Round One to The Plutocracy; GOP Plan To Dismantle Pro-Palestinian Movement; Chanukah Is Choice Between Life and Death; Resource - World-Changing Impact Of Vaccines; Cartoons; and more....
Helen Santoro, Freddy Brewster Freddy Brewster
The Lever
A new Justice Department policy update says that even repeat corporate offenders can avoid prosecution if they “make good faith efforts” to come clean.
The rule would have required employers to pay overtime premiums to salaried workers who earn less than $1,128 per week, or about $58,600 per year, when they work more than 40 hours in a week.
Changes would likely make it more difficult for workers to form unions and negotiate workplace improvements, but the labor movement may withstand those headwinds since many of the factors that have driven its growth remain in place, experts said.
People are hurting, and millions of them didn’t vote either way. They just didn’t vote. I want people to hear that. The vote totals went down. They didn’t go up. They went down. And we have to take this very seriously.
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