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Tidbits – June 6 – Reader Comments: Trump No Longer Invincible; Mexico: ¡Viva La Presidenta!; the Sympathizer on Hollywood’s Vietnam War Stories; Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing June 10; Webinar: Organizing, Collective Action, the NLRB; More…

Reader Comments: Trump No Longer Invincible; Mexico: ¡Viva La Presidenta!; The Sympathizer on Hollywood’s Vietnam War Stories; Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing June 10; Feminist Foreign Policy for Peace; Webinar: Organizing, Collective Action, the NLRB

Tidbits – May 9 – Reader Comments: Graduation 2024; College Presidents Cave to GOP in Congress; Why University Divestment Matters; We Need “Outside Agitators”; Diary of a Palestinian Living in Israel; Lots of Announcements; Cartoons; More…

Reader Comments: Graduation 2024; College Presidents Cave to GOP in Congress; Why University Divestment Matters; We Need “Outside Agitators”; Diary of a Palestinian Living in Israel; Lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more.....


Workplace Militancy Isn’t Enough for Labor

Bob Master Jacobin
The uptick in high-profile strikes in recent years has been heartening. But sustaining and expanding the gains won by that militancy will require careful strategizing and deep political engagement that starts with but goes beyond the shop floor.


Militancy—and Beyond

Bob Master Convergence
Millions of non-union workers took notice of the 2023 strike wave. But moving from a year of high-profile strikes to building working class political power, let alone transforming US politics, will not happen automatically.

US Politics Since the Gaza Crisis

Paul Garver Chartist
The Democratic Party cannot ignore its need for hundreds of thousands of active campaigners to turn out younger and lower income urban voters in general elections. US complicity in Gaza imperils the enthusiasm and commitment needed to defeat MAGA.


Labor’s 2024 Political Dilemma

Rand Wilson and Peter Olney In These Times
In order to defeat AIPAC, defend The Squad, and withstand the onslaught of the MAGA movement, we need to do something many of us fundamentally don’t want to do: double down on trying to move Biden on Gaza, as well as trying to secure his re-election.


Strikes in 2023

Drew DeSilver Pew Research Center
2023 saw some of the biggest, hardest-fought labor disputes in recent decades
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