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Enforcement of Puerto Rico’s Colonial Debt Pushes Out Young Workers

José A. Laguarta Ramírez Dollars & Sense
As living conditions in Puerto Rico continue to deteriorate students and young workers from the island will continue to flood those places where family connections and job opportunities pull them. Not all will be targets of violence because of their multiple identities, as the Orlando victims were. Their fate, however, will continue to be a reminder of how invisible forces pattern seemingly random events in the lives of individuals and communities.

Let’s Not Get Confused about This: Orlando Was a Queerphobic Attack

João Florêncio The Conversation; Common Dreams
Let us call the tragic event for what it was: an attack on Orlando’s queer Latinx club night, Pulse. Regardless of the allegiances the shooter might have pledged, this was, without a shadow of a doubt, a queerphobic attack.
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