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Parole Commission: It’s Long Past the Time to FREE Leonard Peltier

Levi Rickert Native News Online
"We are hoping and praying that the parole commission will grant Leonard parole so that he can go back to his people on the Turtle Mountain Reservation to be with his loved ones to serve to be with his grandchildren and great-grandchildren."

Tidbits – June 6 – Reader Comments: Trump No Longer Invincible; Mexico: ¡Viva La Presidenta!; the Sympathizer on Hollywood’s Vietnam War Stories; Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing June 10; Webinar: Organizing, Collective Action, the NLRB; More…

Reader Comments: Trump No Longer Invincible; Mexico: ¡Viva La Presidenta!; The Sympathizer on Hollywood’s Vietnam War Stories; Leonard Peltier Parole Hearing June 10; Feminist Foreign Policy for Peace; Webinar: Organizing, Collective Action, the NLRB

Tidbits - January 19, 2017 - Reader Comments: Rearming Germany; Now Commute Leonard Peltier Sentence; Obama's Farewell Address; Meryl Streep; Privatization Articles; Rodrigo Duterte; Announcements; and more...

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Tidbits - January 12, 2017 - Reader Comments: Protests Should Also be Used for Organizing;Trump Nominees; Leonard Peltier; Hidden Figures; Black Women and Civil Rights; Resources; Announcements; and more...

Reader Comments: Protests Should Also be Used for Organizing; Another Extreme Trump Nominee to Run National Intelligence; Top Prosecutor in Leonard Peltier Case Urges Clemency; Hidden Figures; Black Women and Civil Rights; It's Time to #TeachResistance: A Toolkit for Educators; Announcements and more....

Top Prosecutor in Leonard Peltier Case Urges Clemency in 'Extraordinary' Move

Sam Levin The Guardian (UK)
An open letter to Obama, penned by US attorney involved in the case against the Native American activist, is a stunning development in his bid for freedom. A senior US attorney who was involved in the prosecution of Native American activist Leonard Peltier has requested that Barack Obama grant clemency, with a rare plea that has energized the campaign to free the high-profile indigenous prisoner.

Urge President Obama to Grant Clemency to Leonard Peltier

It is not too late for President Obama to grant clemency to Leonard Peltier, imprisoned for past forty years. Peltier was a member of the American Indian Movement (AIM), which promotes Native American rights. In 1975, during a confrontation involving AIM members, two FBI agents were shot dead. Peltier was convicted of their murders, but has always denied killing the agents. The judge who authored the decision denying a new trial, has since voiced support for his release.
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