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How the Cannabis Business Community Pays Taxes

Sen. Merkley and Rep. Blumenauer join Tyson Haworth, owner of Oregon's Finest & sofresh farms, to discuss the banking and tax challenges that legal cannabis companies are facing under current federal law. 

David Brooks, His "Higher Pleasures" and the Kids in Jail

Carl Bloice Black Commentator
I always find it amazing that whether it be in the bedroom or the den, “conservatives” like Brooks so often want to use the law to enforce their own perception of what is morally correct, what are “satisfying pleasures” and what they deem “lesser pleasures.”

What to Watch in Drug Policy in 2014

Stephen Gutwillig Drug Policy Alliance
We should anticipate more progress toward rational drug policies in 2014. Here are three key developments.

Friday Nite Videos -- September 6, 2013

Sir Archibald Mapsalot III. OUR Walmart Theme Song. Defined Lines (Feminist Parody). Just Another Cog in the Machine. NASCAR Fans: Marijuana Is Safer. Our Generation in Two Minutes.
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