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The Republican Id

Rick Perlstein The American Prospect
Rather than visiting red-state diners, reporters ought to journey to the venerable conservative message board where the talk after the Trump verdict was nihilistic and bloody.


How the Black Meme Turns a Trope Into a Trap

Eileen Isagon Skyers Hyperallergic
Legacy Russell’s Black Meme argues that owning, replicating, and remediating Black material is a theft rooted in historical frameworks of subordination.

Do It Yourself, Brother: Cultural Autonomy and the New Thing

Christian Noakes Monthly Review
The story of the struggle to liberate jazz from the exploitative, white-controlled music industry in 1950s, the seminal events of the movement and backlash from white civil society and the legacy of Black cultural autonomy and resistance.

First They Came for Harvard

Rick Perlstein The American Prospect
The right’s long and all-too-unanswered war on liberal institutions claims a big one.
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