Those now promoting the path to war with ever more, ever heavier weapons, sparing no thought for the costs, are the expression of a veritably apocalyptic mood in our society which no longer believes in real social progress
When they want to wage war or destroy the planet, American political elites are obsessed with “job creation.” When workers start accruing a modest amount of power, elites demand increased unemployment.
NATO contractors openly embrace the crisis in Ukraine as sound business. In January, Raytheon CEO Greg Hayes cited “tensions in Europe” as an opportunity, saying, “I fully expect we’re going to see some benefit.”
Jonathan Michael Feldman
The Global Teach-In Democratize the Crisis
A campaign to delink the supporting pillars of the military can begin on the periphery of the military procurement system in the activities of students, peace groups, and labor unions supporting sustainable conversion.
Union Busting | John Oliver. The Real Charlie Chaplin | Trailer. Bernie Sanders: Why I’m Voting Against the Defense Spending Bill. Colin in Black and White | Trailer. AOC: "What Is So Hard About Saying That This Is Wrong?"
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