Women are not okay. We’re furious...Trump’s margin of victory was powered by men, who voted for him by 55 percent—a few points more than went for him in 2020. Trump made gains with almost every type of man, especially younger men and Latino men.
Reader Comments: Trump 2.0; Resistance 2.0 and Community Organizing; Myths About Kamala Harris’s Loss; Scoundrel Time - Lessons from the McCarthy Period for Today; Your Help Needed - Cubans Needs Our Help More Than Ever; Cartoons, more....
The diverse Latine experience, shaped by factors like immigration status, race, and class, is too often oversimplified—both by outsiders and within our own communities
Reader Comments: Trump 2.0; What Next?; Where Do We Begin?; Texas Victories; What The Hell Happened? How - And Why Did Working Class and Union Members Vote? -- Virtual Event; Strategy for Labor: Panel Discussion in Honor of Merle Ratner; Cartoons;
Amy Goodman, Robin D. G. Kelly, Nermeen Shaikh
Democracy Now!
We speak with historian Robin D. G. Kelley about the roots of Donald Trump’s election victory and the decline of Democratic support among many of the party’s traditional constituencies.
Reader Comments: Fate of Democracy, Preparing for the Future; They Want You To Feel Powerless And To Surrender; Readers respond to pre-Election posts; Exterminate, Expel, Resettle: Israel’s Endgame in Northern Gaza; Cartoons; more....
Amid a surge in book bans nationwide, the Louisiana librarian Amanda Jones was targeted by vicious threats. So she decided to fight back. She went to court against her attackers, and then wrote a book. And, she still a librarian.
Many young men seem to admire Trump’s king-of-the-jungle vibe: he roars, he bellows, he boasts that no one can ever beat him (unless they cheat). He isn’t an icon of positive masculinity. He did very little for young men during his term as president
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