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Tidbits - February 5, 2015 - Football, Domestic Workers, Greece, Keystone XL, Ukraine, movies, and more...

Reader Comments- Sports, NFL, Tax Subsidy; Unions Today; Domestic Worker Organizing; Students Against Sweatshops; Greece, Germany & the EU; TPP; Israel, Iran, Iraq; Keystone XL; Cuba; Ukraine; Selma; American Sniper; Resource: Where Do We Go from Here? Mass Incarceration and the Struggle for Civil Rights; After the Greek Elections New York forum- Feb 6 - new location Hold the Date- Fighting Corruption in America and Abroad - Fordham Law School - New York - Mar 6

Will Europe Enlist in Washington’s War Again?

Walden Bello Telesur
As Britain, France, and other European states edge closer towards military alliance against ISIS, the anti-war movement is at a crossroads. ISIS is a barbarous creature, but as in so many other cases of humanitarian intervention, military action against it by the western powers is likely to increase its appeal to many resentful of Western domination. Like the war against Iraq and the bombing of Libya; this intervention is doomed to create an even worse situation.

Report from Germany - Losing Heads And Sending Arms

Victor Grossman Portside
In Germany heads fall - Lenin's head still needs to be kept buried, and Berlin's once-popular gay mayor bows out. Another head featured in the press belongs to a man who is certainly not gay nor a Lenin. Sadly, current references to Vladimir Putin, evoke all too sharply recollections of German language used against every Russian leader since the start of World War I a hundred years ago.

Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault; The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin

John J. Mearsheimer Foreign Affairs
The crisis shows that realpolitik remains relevant -- and states that ignore it do so at their own peril. U.S. and European leaders blundered in attempting to turn Ukraine into a Western stronghold on Russia’s border. Now that the consequences have been laid bare, it would be an even greater mistake to continue this misbegotten policy.

Marching on Moscow

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Events appear to be moving toward a political solution to the East-West standoff over Ukraine. But as Clausewitz once noted: "Against stupidity, no amount of planning will prevail." Conn Hallinan looks at the possibility of a resolution to the standoff in Ukraine.

Ukraine, NATO and the World at Turning Points: Talk Prepared for Sarajevo Peace Event, June 7, 2014

By Dr. Joseph Gerson Portside
It is long past time to learn the lessons of World Wars I & II and of global warming which, more gradually than nuclear weapons, threatens the human and other species. The commitment to unending economic growth is killing the planet, and the competition for resources, markets and financial wealth is the driving force of military competition, arms races, and ultimately murderous war.

Tidbits - May 15, 2014

Reader Comments-Fast-food strikes; Cecily McMillan; Campus Unions; Vietnam War; Farley Mowat; Ukraine; Power of Imagination; Filipino Americans and Farm Labor Movement; BDS; Food; William Worthy - R.I.P Announcements - Strike! & New Forms of Worker Struggle -May 28; Bold New Era or Hard Times for Organized Labor? -June 4; Organizing 2.0 Conference -June 6-7; The Origins of Inequality: Grassroots Economics Training for Understanding & Power -June 14 (all New York)

The Ukraine - Two Counterpoints

Roger Annis; Anatol Lieven
Yesterday Portside ran Timothy Snyder's "The Battle in Ukraine Means Everything." Many readers responded (see today's Tidbits post). Anatol Lieven in the New York Review of Books and Roger Annis in an original Op-Ed for Truthout here present very different views.

WikiLeaks, Ukraine & NATO

Conn Hallinan Dispatches From the Edge
Is the Russian occupation of the Crimea a case of aggressive expansionism by Moscow or aimed at at blocking a scheme by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to roll right up to the Russia’s western border? WikiLeaks has revealed a secret cable describing a meeting between French and American diplomats that suggests the latter, a plan that has been in the works since at least 2009.

Almost Everything in “Dr. Strangelove” Was True

Eric Schlosser The New Yorker
The first casualty of every war is the truth—and the Cold War was no exception to that dictum. Half a century after Kubrick’s mad general, Jack D. Ripper, launched a nuclear strike on the Soviets to defend the purity of “our precious bodily fluids” from Communist subversion, we now know that American officers did indeed have the ability to start a Third World War on their own.
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