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Ultra Violence

Nelson Lichtenstein Dissent
Rachel Maddow’s podcast tells the story of American Nazis in the 1940s. But the era’s real and lasting authoritarian danger came from the spectacular growth of a national security state.

Tidbits – March 24, 2022 – Reader Comments: War in Ukraine; Take Action – Support Peace Talks Now!; Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson; “The Godfather”; Labor Secretary Pro-Labor?; Labor and Russian War on Ukraine Webinar; Rudy Lozano; More…

Reader Comments: War in Ukraine; Take Action - Support Peace Talks Now!; Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Senate hearing; "The Godfather"; Labor Secretary Who Is Pro-Labor?; Labor and the Russian War on Ukraine WebinarRudy Lozano; more....

The Nazi Language of German Anti-Vaxxers

Thomas Klikauer and Meg Young Counter Currents
In reference to the cynical Nazi slogan Arbeit Macht Frei – Work Makes You Free that the SS had placed at the entrance of Auschwitz, Germany’s present-day anti-vaxxers use the slogan, Vaccinating Makes You Free – in German: Impfen Macht Frei.

Father’s Nazi Past Haunts Chilean Presidential Frontrunner

Frank Jordans and Joshua Goodman AP News
The German-born father of Chilean presidential frontrunner José Antonio Kast was a member of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party, according to a recently unearthed document obtained by The Associated Press.

Auf Wiedersehen to Mike Pence, the Franz von Papen of the Trump Administration

Bill Mosley Outside the Box: Beyond the Conventional Wisdom
Pence tried to have it both ways, to inherit the mantle of both old-line conservatism and Trump’s toxic brand of white-nationalist demagoguery.  The chances are he’ll gain neither.  This verdict of his Nuremburg is likely to be political oblivion.

America Through Nazi Eyes

Omer Aziz Dissent
The most radical Nazis were the most aggressive champions of U.S. law. Where they found the U.S. example lacking, it was because they thought it was too harsh.

The Confederacy Finally Stormed the Capitol

Elie Mystal The Nation
President Trump should be impeached, removed from office, and then arrested for inciting his supporters to besiege and invade the US Capitol. Because the rioters were white, they were allowed to walk away. But just imagine if they had been Black.

On Not Meeting Nazis Halfway

Rebecca Solnit Literary Hub
There are situations in which there is no common ground worth standing on, let alone hiking over to.
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