Lynn Parramore
Institute for New Economic Thinking
Written on the eve of the election, Lynn Parramore identifies our need the day after: "Many voters, feeling disillusioned, are searching in vain for narratives that resonate with their experiences."
Reimaging our existing economic and legal systems and embracing forms of collective action, including regulation and investment, if we are to create an innovative society in which everyone can flourish.
If the migrants of the world—all 281 million of them—lived in one country, then they would form the fourth largest country in the world. Yet, migrants receive few social protections and little respect.
Scandals, culture wars, and threats to democracy dominate the headlines in this super election year. But anti-democratic populist authoritarianism is itself the legacy of a misbegotten economic ideology.
Don’t make the mistake of associating gangs like Haiti’s with a “primitive” stage of political development or only with countries on the geopolitical margins. What’s happening there today could prefigure the future of the United States, too.
This history of neoliberalism focuses on how this school of thought and governance repurposed the Protestant work ethic to serve the wealthiest one percent.
The economic consequences of capitalism’s profit-driven movement out of its old centers (Western Europe, North America, and Japan) brought capitalism there to its current crisis.
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