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REWIND - A Week of Quotes & Cartoons

Unemployment, Climate Change, Public Education, Minimum Wage and More

REWIND - A Week of Quotes & Cartoons


Martch 10, 2013

Quote of the Day

'In short, we have an economy that had been growing at a not-very-healthy pace through the second half of 2012 - and which is virtually certain to be slowed by contractionary fiscal policy through the rest of 2013. Unless there is a rapid reversal of policy, the 7.7% unemployment rate is likely to represent a low we may not see again for some time. 'While the economy is not likely to fall into a recession and send the unemployment rate soaring, the economy is not growing fast enough to meet the need for jobs from a growing labor force. As a result, unemployment will be going in the wrong direction for the rest of the year.'

Economist Dean Baker
The Guardian (UK)
March 8, 2013

Toon of the Day

Let 'Em Eat Tax Cuts
Keith Tucker


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Quote of the Day

'Mainstream scientists are virtually unanimous in stating that the one sure way to avert the worst consequences of climate change is to decarbonize the world economy by finding cleaner sources of energy while leaving more fossil fuels in the ground. Given its carbon content, tar sands oil should be among the first fossil fuels we decide to leave alone.'

New York Times
March 11, 2013

Toon of the Day

Iraq War Memorial
Mike Luckovich


Quote of the Day

''One of the great achievements of American democracy has been the introduction of mass public education, from children to advanced research universities. And  in some respects that leadership position has been maintained. Unfortunately, not all. Public education is under serious attack, one component of the attack on any  rational and humane concept of the Common Good, sometimes in ways that are  not only shocking, but also spell disaster for the species.'

Professor Noam Chomsky
March 7, 2013

Toon of the Day
Bull or Bear?
Jim Morin – Miami Herald


Quote of the Day

'Of course some of us responded by saying "Yes. But what is in that grand bargain?" We don't want to start whacking away at Social Security.'

Iowa Senator Tom Harkin after
a lunch with Senate Democrats
at which President Obama said
it was critically important to work
with Republicans in order to
reach a "grand bargain" to reduce
the country's budget deficit.

New York Times
March 13, 2013

Toon of the Day

D.C. politicians fail to face up to U.S. income inequality
David Horsey - Los Angeles Times


Quote of the Day

'The division of society has to be fought on all levels. And it starts with introducing a law that guarantees a minimum wage that people can live off.'

Christoph Butterwegge, a political
scientist and poverty researcher,
in an interview with Deutsche
Welle concerning a European Union
finding that over the past five years
poverty has risen in almost half of
EU member states

March 14, 2013

Toon of the Day

Ryan and the Poor
Mike Luckovich


Quote of the Day

'I forgot why we give tax exemptions to churches and spiritual leaders. I think it was because they serve a function for our country. In other words, I think it’s because capitalism makes no provisions for protecting the vulnerable, the sick and the aged — at all.…So, when the lobbyists come up to support the capitalistic system, who’s supposed to come up to support the values? Where do they come from for the American people?'

Rep. Charles Rangel, former
chair of the House Ways and
Means Committee. Quoted in
'Will Pope Francis hear Charlie
Rangel's Plea?'

Washington Post
March 14, 2013

Toon of the Day

Ryan pot of gold budget

Ryan's Pot of Gold

Dave Granlund


Quote of the Day

' Legend has it that St. Patrick drove all the snakes out of Ireland. The economic crisis has brought some of them back.

'During the Celtic Tiger boom, snakes became a popular pet among the Irish nouveaux riches, status symbols in a country famous for its lack of indigenous serpents. But after the bubble burst, many snake owners could no longer afford the cost of food, heating and shelter, or they left the country for work elsewhere. Some left their snakes behind or turned them loose in the countryside, leading to some startling encounters.'

New York Times
March 15, 203

Toon of the Day
Aw, Mom
Tom Toles - Washington Post