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Joe Biden Wanted This

No one forced Joe Biden to run for president — or to facilitate a genocide. His unlikely conversion to economic populism was a triumph for the Left, but he ultimately proved his own worst enemy.

President Joe Biden speaks at the 115th NAACP National Convention at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center on July 16, 2024, in Las Vegas, Nevada. ,Mario Tama / Getty Images

The triumph and tragedy of Joe Biden’s life is that he got exactly what he wanted.

It’s not true that he ran in 2020 because he felt duty-bound to do so after seeing white supremacists marching in Charlottesville, though the president has made the claim so many times he may now truly believe it. According to multiple accounts, Biden and his team originally filmed an announcement video outside his childhood home in Scranton stressing his working-class roots, before scrapping it and seizing on Charlottesville as a rationale.


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Biden surely did not imagine his career would end like this: one of the most unpopular presidents in history, forced out by his own party, after a weekend spent reportedly fuming in private at his betrayal, as one prominent Democrat after another abandoned him — all on the back of weeks of the entire country openly discussing, sometimes mocking, his mental competency. This is not how successful presidencies are supposed to end.

Democrats are heaping plaudits on Biden for the “heroism” he showed in deciding to step down, in the hope of emotionally smoothing his way out. But though he may bask in this public face-saving campaign that’s been launched for his benefit, it will do little to take out the sting. After all, more than anyone, Biden is aware this was never his decision.

Though he joins the ignominious one-term-presidents club, Biden can at least say he has outdone his peers in one key presidential category: bloodshed overseas. Finally achieving his political ambitions meant carrying out one the most heinous presidential crimes in a generation, worse than anything Donald Trump actually did and rivaled this century only by George W. Bush’s Iraq War — a human and geopolitical disaster that Biden also had no small part in engineering.

The final project of Biden’s presidency, the very last act of his public life, was stubbornly facilitating a human extermination campaign in Gaza so savage, people who have spent their lives watching the worst that humanity is capable of have run out of novel ways to describe the horrors they are seeing there. As Democratic paeans to Biden’s honor and decency dutifully flow in, the total number of dead in Gaza has been put at 186,000 at minimum by the Lancet.

After a life marked by the shocking, tragic death of his wife and infant daughter, Biden has ended up devoting nearly a quarter of his presidency to inflicting this same suffering on an entire people, many times over: not just children and parents killed, but entire families and bloodlines annihilated. He has done so against all reason and sense, not to mention unprecedented objections from experts and career diplomats within his own government. Besides a moral disaster, it has been a political one, sending US standing on a downward tumble worse than the Iraq debacle and making the United States a potential target for terrorist violence again, one of the all-time self-inflicted defeats by a great power.