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Union Election Set at North Carolina Amazon Warehouse

Mark Satinoff World-Outlook
On January 7, exactly three years since the founding of Carolina Amazonians United for Solidarity and Empowerment (CAUSE), the NLRB ruled that workers at Amazon’s RDU1 fulfillment center in Garner, North Carolina, can have an election.

Friday Nite Videos | November 29, 2024

Plane Wreck At Los Gatos (Deportee) | Lance Canales. Faces of Deportation | ICE Raid in Mississippi. What Happens When R's Lose: The NC Test Case. Union | (Amazon) Documentary. How AI Cracked Protein Folding and Won a Nobel.

What Happens When R's Lose: The NC Test Case

R's suffered a near wipeout in North Carolina, but the outgoing legislature is attempting a truly Trumpian power grab to thwart the expressed will of the voters and to eviscerate democracy

Rural People and the Working Class. Here’s How We Unite.

Beth Howard Barn Raiser
The director of the Appalachia People’s Union on why the South is ready to stand up to Trump. White people delivered this victory to Trump. Out of 76 million votes cast for Trump (2 million more than in 2020), 84% of those were white voters.

Before Helene, a Perfect Storm of Climate Denialism

Lucy Dean Stockton, Freddy Brewster The Lever
North Carolina was once a climate leader, but more than a decade of Republican and corporate obstruction left the state ill-prepared for the historic disaster.
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