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Tidbits – June 27 – Reader Comments: Trump Worked To Destroy Unions; Remembering Troublemakers-Frank Emspak, Conn Hallinan; AFL-CIO Union Organizer Program; Rethinking the Elections: MAGA Threat and Challenges Facing Progressives and Union Activists;

Reader Comments: Trump Worked to Destroy Unions; Remembering Troublemakers - Frank Emspak ,Conn Hallinan; AFL-CIO Union Organizer Apprenticeship Program; Rethinking the Elections: MAGA Threat and Challenges Facing Progressives and Union Activists;

Friday Nite Videos | January 19, 2024

Bernie Sanders: Congress Must Address Gaza Humanitarian Crisis. Explaining Trump to a Tourist. The Woman in the Wall | Dramatic Series. How Close We've Come to Nuclear War. Here.Is.Better. | Movie.

Tidbits – Jan. 11, 2024 – Reader Comments: Enough IS Enough!; Seizing Russia’s Frozen Assets – Readers Ask: What About Israel?; Supreme Ballot; Chicken Soup; Forums: What Should Progressives Do About Biden?; Protect the Squad & Block the Right;

Reader Comments: Enough IS Enough!; Seizing Russia’s Frozen Assets - Readers Ask: What About Israel?; Supreme Ballot; Texas Abortion Law; Chicken Soup; Forum: What Should Progressives Do About Biden?; Protect the Squad & Block the Right in 2024; more

The Manhattan Project Scientist Who Quit

Joseph Rotblat was a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project, believing it was necessary in view of German atom bomb development. When he learned the German project was unsuccessful, he resigned and became a life-long campaigner for disarmament

Tidbits – Mar. 09, 2023 – Reader Comments: Police Culture; Woke Origins; Women; Announcements: Mumia Abu-Jamal; New Deal for CUNY; Love Rising Benefit Concert – Tenn; Reclaiming Water for the Public Good; Celebration of Dr. Antonia Pantoja;

Reader Comments: Police Culture; Woke Origins; Women; Announcements: Mumia Abu-Jamal; New Deal for CUNY; Love Rising Benefit Concert; Reclaiming Water for the Public Good; Centennial Year Celebration of Dr. Antonia Pantoja; Cartoons; more ....

Tidbits – Mar. 02, 2023 – Reader Comments: Peace Movement Now?; Centrality of Black-White Unity; Roberto Clementine Book Restored; Ukrainian War – Differing Perspectives; Honoring Pathbreakers-Celebrating International Women’s Day; Resources; More

Reader Comments: Peace Movement-Then, Now?; Lessons from History-Centrality of Black-white unity; Roberto Clementine Book Restored; Ukrainian War - Differing Perspectives on the Left; Honoring Pathbreakers-Celebrating International Women's Day

Nuclear Weapons and Nationalism: An Incendiary Mix

Andrew Lichterman Andrew Lichterman
The first UN General Assembly's first resolution set up a commission to bring back proposals to eliminate atomic weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction and to control atomic energy. That was seventy-seven years ago.
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