“We need to have a grown-up conversation about what kind of system do we need, that will stop this ridiculous, outrageous harming that we're doing to ourselves and the planet.” - Gail Bradbrook
Sammy Feldblum and Tovah Strong
Searchlight New Mexico
Holtec International’s nuclear waste storage facility in southeastern New Mexico was rushed through the approval process during the pandemic, and critics fear the Nuclear Regulatory Commission could grant Holtec its license as soon as this summer.
The basic approach undertaken in this country for the storage and disposal of spent nuclear fuel needs to be fundamentally revamped. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, the NRC and the Energy Department need to develop a transparent and comprehensive road map identifying the key elements of—and especially the unknowns associated with—interim storage, transportation, repackaging, and final disposal of all nuclear fuel.
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
Out-of-control U.S. nuclear weapons programs accelerate spending, proliferation, health and safety risks. Despite a clear obligation under Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty the US continues to pursue exotic elective changes to the nuclear stockpile. Many LEPs will result in nuclear weapons with new military capabilities—contrary to promises and assertions made by President Obama.
The wastes sent to West Lake have most of the uranium removed from them, but they include concentrated radioactive decay products, some of which are tens of thousands of times more radioactive than the parent uranium. Because they are so highly radioactive, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health found that the West Lake landfill holds the “worst” of the Mallinckrodt wastes.
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