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Tidbits – Aug.10, 2023 – Reader Comments: Ohio Voted!; Hiroshima – Nagasaki – Never Again!; VFX Workers Unionizing at Marvel Studios; How Policy Has Shaped Racial Economic Disparities; Films: Sacco and Vanzetti; King Coal; Cartoons; More; …

Reader Comments: Ohio Voted!; Hiroshima - Nagasaki - Never Again!; VFX Workers Unionizing at Marvel Studios; How policy has shaped racial economic disparities; Film Discussion on Sacco and Vanzetti; New Film: King Coal; Cartoons; more; ....

Atomic Frankenstein

R. Howard Bloch, Ellen Handler Spitz The American Prospect
‘Oppenheimer’ and the anguish of creative destruction

Friday Nite Videos | July 21, 2023

Lifting the Fog: The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Lean On Me | Kori Withers and Friends. Oppenheimer | Movie. JFK Jr. Was Killed in 1999 ... Or Was He? How Streaming Caused the TV Writers Strike.

Oppenheimer | Movie

Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book American Prometheus, Oppenheimer thrusts audiences into the paradox of risking destroying the world in order to save it

Nuclear History in Lubumbashi

Roger Peet Justseeds
I’ve been working for several years on a large linoleum blockprint that traces the history of the use of Congolese uranium in the Manhattan project.

Tidbits – July 13, 2023 – Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return To Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums That Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; Announcements; Cartoons

Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return to Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums that Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education Archive; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more....
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