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America’s Newest Doctors Fuel Efforts To Unionize

Tina Reed Axios
A new generation of doctors struggling with ever-increasing workloads and crushing student debt is helping drive unionization efforts in a profession that historically hasn't organized.

Turning the Tables in Minnesota

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
An enduring union-community alliance in the Twin Cities may be a model for progressive victories. The Twin Cities saw a series of labor actions, premised on the belief-the more disparate groups of workers unite in common cause, the more they can win.


Health Care Worker Unions Are on the Side of Patients

Hospitals portray unions as opposed to the interests of patients. The opposite is true: health care unions have been the strongest advocates for safer conditions and patients who can’t pay debts.

The Journey to Medicare’s 58th Anniversary

F. Douglas Stephenson Informed Comment
The most successful health insurance program, Medicare, was enacted in July,1965 to provide health insurance for people ages 65 and older and disabled regardless of income or medical history. Medicare is more efficient than private health insurance
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